Thursday, March 24, 2011

Showing my colors

OK, so last post I promised you something with paint on it. The other day while shooting pictures for an upcoming post I needed a test model for the lighting and camera settings. I grabbed something off the of the shelf and just happened to get this guy. This is one of my better and more recent War Machine solos. Its also the blog's first look at the color scheme for my Protectorate of Menoth army, which is my largest by model count.
Unfortunately this guy doesn't see a lot of table time because of his in game stats. Which is why he was on the shelf in the first place.

The jacks and more heavily armored troops in this color scheme feature the tan color you can see here on his shoulder plate, you will see more of that as I post more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. We have got to work on your photography setup man, and a dark blue background will not work with your protectorate as well as others
